

April 12 2008, 7:40 AM

Something happened last night, something bad. My emotions arent in balance and I feel as though I'm going to just keep in what I have to say and then burst! But see...I dont want that. I dont want to go to bed with these images, these haunting thoughts. So I am here. I am's 4:13am and everyone In my home is asleep. The kitchen light is the only one lit. My cat cries for me in my bedroom, almost as he were a child. I am in my living room, it's dark. The only light breaking the room is that of the computer. My throat is dry. In the back of my mind i wonder if I am going to catch a cold again. Although, just as I remember why I am here, why I am on here so early in my day. my thoughts of the night prior to this return. I remember, vividly, how it all went down. Bit by bit I can piece it all together. These back flashes of last night, they repeat themselves in my mind. Unable to sleep just yet, I come here. I write (or in this case type) what it is that is bothering me. I have so many thoughts and images running through my head it's scary. Then again I am always like this, only this time it is becoming overwhelming. (pause) I take my mind back to the scene where it all went down. Standing there in the middle of my yard, drying my mother's happened. So slow at first, then quickly & before i know it it was all over. The next thing I know the chopper's over our houses, light shines the black pavement. A car or two passes and I begin to slowly lose my mind. In all this I begin to think, " what if they saw me? what if they come back? would they? oh GOD, I dont know what's going on, or what to think!" In a small, yet very quiet panic I begin to speak. I spoke to her...there as she stood beside me on the curb. She's asking what happened. What to say? In a very distraught way I turn to her and slowly begin to fill her in. Telling her what had happened. Explaing to her why there were over 7 cop cars outside our home. All the while I am ranting on and on in my head, " WHATS GOING ON?! DID THIS REALLY HAPPEN?" I felt as thought I was making it up. Like I was trying so hard to convince myself that this was real, when it really was. Had I really just witnessed an attempted murder? or was I just over thinking it? (pause) I could cry a million tears right now. As bad as i would want to I cant. They Wont come out of my tired eyes. What will happen to me? will I lose my mind? will i be afraid to walk outside? will I walk to school everyday, as if nothing happened? What will become of me? ONLY WHAT I WANT TO BE. (sigh)(long pause) blankly staring at the computer screen, wondering what to write next, I come to realize that I am not going to let this get to me. I've got someone there to remind me that no matter what happens HE will ALWAYS be there. AS LONG AS I BELIEVE, NOTHING CAN HARM ME. Good night


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  • Female
  • 20 years old


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